Published on in Vol 1 (2024)

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Mobile Phone–Based Personalized and Interactive Augmented Reality Pictorial Health Warnings for Enhancing a Brief Advice Model for Smoking Cessation: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Mobile Phone–Based Personalized and Interactive Augmented Reality Pictorial Health Warnings for Enhancing a Brief Advice Model for Smoking Cessation: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Mobile Phone–Based Personalized and Interactive Augmented Reality Pictorial Health Warnings for Enhancing a Brief Advice Model for Smoking Cessation: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Authors of this article:

Ziqiu Guo1 Author Orcid Image ;   Yongda Wu1, 2 Author Orcid Image ;   Man Ping Wang1 Author Orcid Image

Ziqiu Guo   1 , PhD ;   Yongda Wu   1, 2 , PhD ;   Man Ping Wang   1 , PhD

1 School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (Hong Kong)

2 Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Corresponding Author:

  • Yongda Wu, PhD
  • School of Nursing
  • The University of Hong Kong
  • 3 Sassoon Road
  • Pokfulam
  • Hong Kong
  • China (Hong Kong)
  • Phone: 852 39176600
  • Fax: 852 28726079
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